Requested Pictures

Here are the pictures found that you requested.

Ring Billed Gull
Brown Pelican
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Great Blue Heron
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret
Marbled Godwit
Male Ruddy Duck
Yellow Crowned Night Heron
2024 Galapagos
Blue Footed Booby
Male Frigate Bird
Ring Billed Gull (Apr 30, 2020)

Ring Billed Gull (Apr 30, 2020)

Hummingbird (Aug 16, 2020)

Hummingbird (Aug 16, 2020)

Brown Pelican (Jan 1, 2021)

Brown Pelican (Jan 1, 2021)

Great Egret (Oct 23, 2020)

Great Egret (Oct 23, 2020)

Snowy Egret (Oct 23, 2020)

Snowy Egret (Oct 23, 2020)

Great Blue Heron (Oct 23, 2020)

Great Blue Heron (Oct 23, 2020)

Snowy Egret (Oct 23, 2020)

Snowy Egret (Oct 23, 2020)

Snowy Egret (Mar 19, 2024)

Snowy Egret (Mar 19, 2024)

Marbled Godwit (Mar 19, 2024)

Marbled Godwit (Mar 19, 2024)

Male Ruddy Duck (Mar 19, 2024)

Male Ruddy Duck (Mar 19, 2024)

Yellow Crowned Night Heron (Mar 19, 2024)

Yellow Crowned Night Heron (Mar 19, 2024)

Blue Footed Booby (May 26, 2024)

Blue Footed Booby (May 26, 2024)

Male Frigate Bird (May 26, 2024)

Male Frigate Bird (May 26, 2024)

The males inflate the red "balloon" in their chin to attract females.