Requested Pictures
Here are the pictures found that you requested.
Clown Fish on Anemone (Apr 4, 2021)
Clown fish like to hide in the anemone for protection
Octopus (Apr 4, 2021)
An octopus reaching out with on of its arms to attempt to mate with the female (far left)
Dive Buddy (Apr 6, 2021)
Machchfushi Wreck Inside (Apr 8, 2021)
Inside the wreck at Machchafushi
Machchafushi Wreck Crane (Apr 8, 2021)
A crane on the deck of the wreck at Machchafushi
Machchafushi Wreck Stonefish (Apr 8, 2021)
A stonefish lying on the Machchafushi wreck. They are highly venomous, you can usually die with in a half hour.
Over Under (Apr 8, 2021)
A shot of bungalows with the reef underneath
Blue Force (Apr 8, 2021)
The mothership for our diving
Clown Fish (Apr 8, 2021)
Yellow Snapper (Apr 9, 2021)
This site had a very large number of yellow snapper, easily in the thousands.
Nurse Shark (Apr 10, 2021)
Nurse sharks are very tame
Nurse Shark (1) (Apr 10, 2021)
See my teeth! This was taken from about a foot away from the shark, with a fisheye lens
Xille Pushing off a Ray (Apr 10, 2021)
Xille had some food for the rays
Nurse Shark Swimming (Apr 10, 2021)
Shark School (Apr 11, 2021)
There are 19 reef sharks in this picture, but there were a total of 32. they ranged in size from about 3 feet to over 6 feet.
Blue Force One Salon (Apr 2, 2021)
The inside of Blue Force One, where we would meet or hang out to stay cool.
Blue Force One Store (Apr 3, 2021)
The stairs going down to rooms is on the right, the store in the back.
Blue Force One Restaurant (Apr 3, 2021)
Where we ate our meals
Foredeck (Apr 3, 2021)
The foredeck of the boat
Lounge (Apr 3, 2021)
The lounge on the third deck, with the bar in the back on the left
Sundeck (Apr 3, 2021)
The top deck on the boat
Reef shark (Apr 3, 2021)
A reef shark at Rasdhoo Corner
Lucas Oil Stunt Plane (Oct 2, 2021)
Notice how low the plan is flying
F35C Pilot (Oct 2, 2021)
If you expand the picture, you can see the flight suit
Thunderbird 5 (Oct 2, 2021)
Look at the belly and you will see the number 5 is upside down. A search on the internet suggests this is the "lead solo" pilot, and usually does the upside-down formations
F35A (Oct 2, 2021)
Traveling so fast you can see the small contrails
A lot of people (Oct 2, 2021)
The claim is there was 1 million people watching the air show. I could believe it, the only open sand was the path for the lifeguard trucks. When I left, there must have been 50 people lined up to order food, and a very crowded beach path
Sargent Major (Nov 17, 2021)
Another large school of fish on Swanee Reef
Whale Shark (Nov 17, 2021)
The shark was at least 15 feet in length, the fisheye lens captures the whole thing nicely.
Whale Shark (Nov 17, 2021)
Very gentle, and very large
Whale Shark (Nov 17, 2021)
Opening its mouth to feed on plankton
Whale Shark Feeding (Nov 17, 2021)
The whale shark opening its mouth to feed on plankton. It has no real teeth, but baleen instead,
Whale Shark Feeding (Nov 17, 2021)
Sardines (Nov 17, 2021)
These sardines were swimming with the whale sharks
Garden Eels (Nov 15, 2021)
They are very shy, and usually hide back in the sand when approached
Sea Lion Pup (Nov 16, 2021)
Playing in their cave of exploration
Paco Playing with Sea Lion (Nov 16, 2021)
The sea lion pups will let you touch them
Sea Lion Pup (Nov 16, 2021)
In their cave of exploration
Sea Lion (Nov 16, 2021)
This was actually within a few feet of the camera
Salvatierra Wreck (Nov 17, 2021)
Well, we weren't really supposed to go in, but we looked at each other and said "why not"
Reef Life (Dec 25, 2021)
Reef Life (Dec 25, 2021)
Multiple types of fish, including (I think) gray demoiselle (the little ones on the left), humbug dascyllus (the black stripe) and more
Dascyllus on Staghorn Coral (Dec 25, 2021)
Commonly found
Reef Life (Dec 25, 2021)
Several types of coral - Great Star Coral (lower right)
Reef Life (Dec 25, 2021)
Not sure what type of coral
2Y1A6422 (Dec 25, 2021)
The feathery looking stuff is crinoid - it sticks to wetsuits
Reef Life (Dec 25, 2021)
Humbug Dascyllus and cardinalfish (the small yellow with gray stripes)
Blue Spot Ray (Dec 25, 2021)
Blacktip Shark (Dec 26, 2021)
The shark would not come close enough.
Bioflourescent Photography (Dec 26, 2021)
Using a special blue light and yellow filter captures the bioflourescence
Bioflourescent Photography (Dec 26, 2021)
Bioluminescent Coral (Dec 26, 2021)
Bioflourescent Photography (Dec 26, 2021)
Bioluminescent Coral (Dec 26, 2021)
Bioflourescent Photography (Dec 26, 2021)
Bioflourescent Photography (Dec 26, 2021)
Brain Coral