Requested Pictures

Here are the pictures found that you requested.

Hawaii 2018
Roatan 2018
Sea Horse
Juvenile spotted Drum
A school of squid
Queen Angelfish
Caribbean Neon Goby on Brain Coral
Juvenile Spotted Trunkfish
IMG 1396 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1396 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1462 (Dec 5, 2018)

IMG 1462 (Dec 5, 2018)

IMG 1481 (Dec 5, 2018)

IMG 1481 (Dec 5, 2018)

IMG 1326 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1326 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1335 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1335 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1344 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1344 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1354 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1354 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1392 (Dec 3, 2018)

IMG 1392 (Dec 3, 2018)

Sea Horse (Sep 13, 2018)

Sea Horse (Sep 13, 2018)

A beautiful sea horse in Roatan, Honduras.

Blenny (Sep 13, 2018)

Blenny (Sep 13, 2018)

This tiny goby lives in the hole in the coral

Img 0279 (Sep 13, 2018)

Img 0279 (Sep 13, 2018)

Img 0298 (Sep 13, 2018)

Img 0298 (Sep 13, 2018)

Img 0302 (Sep 13, 2018)

Img 0302 (Sep 13, 2018)

Juvenile spotted Drum (Sep 10, 2018)

Juvenile spotted Drum (Sep 10, 2018)

Scorpionfish (Sep 10, 2018)

Scorpionfish (Sep 10, 2018)

A school of squid (Sep 11, 2018)

A school of squid (Sep 11, 2018)

Queen Angelfish (Sep 11, 2018)

Queen Angelfish (Sep 11, 2018)

Jellyfish (Sep 11, 2018)

Jellyfish (Sep 11, 2018)

Img 0230 (Sep 11, 2018)

Img 0230 (Sep 11, 2018)

Img 0242 (Sep 11, 2018)

Img 0242 (Sep 11, 2018)

This crab was defending its cave

Caribbean Neon Goby on Brain Coral (Sep 13, 2018)

Caribbean Neon Goby on Brain Coral (Sep 13, 2018)

Juvenile Spotted Trunkfish (Sep 13, 2018)

Juvenile Spotted Trunkfish (Sep 13, 2018)