Went to Auckland, New Zealand for work for a week, but also was able to see some sights around the city.
We stopped in Barcelona for a day prior to boarding the cruise ship to Italy. Much of this section of the city is influenced by Antoni Gaudi's architecture.
A cruise starting in Barcelona, and visiting many cities in Italy, including Palermo, Rome, Naples and Sorrentino
A quick trip to Paso Robles to pick up a wine club shipment, and also to do some wine tasting with mom
A stop along the way to the Galapagos islands, I walked around the city, mostly the Santa Ana Hill area to see the people and sights.
A brief stay in La Paz, Baja California before and after the trip to Magdalena Bay. There is much history in this city, along with a collection of statues along the malecon (boardwalk).