Fiji 2021
4 days on a small cruise ship, diving in Fiji, and seeing the beautiful islands. Every island was filled with lush green trees.

Reef Life (Dec 25, 2021)
Multiple types of fish, including (I think) gray demoiselle (the little ones on the left), humbug dascyllus (the black stripe) and more

Dascyllus on Staghorn Coral (Dec 25, 2021)
Commonly found

Reef Life (Dec 25, 2021)
Several types of coral - Great Star Coral (lower right)

Reef Life (Dec 25, 2021)
Not sure what type of coral

2Y1A6422 (Dec 25, 2021)
The feathery looking stuff is crinoid - it sticks to wetsuits

Reef Life (Dec 25, 2021)
Humbug Dascyllus and cardinalfish (the small yellow with gray stripes)

Blacktip Shark (Dec 26, 2021)
The shark would not come close enough.

Bioflourescent Photography (Dec 26, 2021)
Using a special blue light and yellow filter captures the bioflourescence

Bioflourescent Photography (Dec 26, 2021)
Brain Coral